Tech Digest: Pet Pavillion: just in case you're crazy enough to think your pet needs incubat
Date: 09 July 2008
Source: Tech Digest
One look at the Pet Pavillion and you can't help but think of the urban myth about the old lady who successfully sued the microwave company when she cooked her dog, attempting to dry it after a rainy walk.
The lawsuit never really happened but obviously Korean-based company Autoelex was deeply affected by the story and sensed a gap in the pet-warming market, which I'd be very surprised if it was any bigger than a hairline crack. Pets do not like being stuffed into enclosed spaces. Tell me, is that the look of a happy dog?
Watch as they stuff this poor little pooch into this bread bin-shaped, infra-red body warmer and throwing a toy at its head doesn't seem to help convince it any more.
Try and pull that stuff with a cat and you won't have any arms left.
The Pet Pavillion will be on show at New York's Koreannovation on 14th and 15th May but I'd be surprised if this gadget is a runaway success. Even if it does sell, it's only a matter of time before that urban myth comes true and someone has that terrible moment half way through their day at work. "Oh no, I left the dog in the oven!"